Thursday, June 4, 2015


To be brave is to stand up for what you believe in, to fight for right in the face of adversity, to stay standing amid a sea of naysayers.  To be brave is to risk your life to change those of others, to shed your ego to reveal your truest self, not to let go of fear but to embrace it and push yourself forward in spite of it.  There is no way to demean true bravery, though many might try.  One example of bravery does not diminish another.

To be frank, the efforts to undermine the story of Caitlyn Jenner by comparing her heroism to that of soldiers (the latter being "true bravery") disturb me.  I've held off on commenting on social media because I just don't care for any sort of firestorm, but these are just my thoughts.  There is no comparison.  Regardless of moral or political stance, both are heroic, both are about freedom and human rights, and in standing and fighting for what they believe in in the midst of a world out to attack them for it, both are brave.

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