to Sing perchance to Fly;
i Soar on the wings of sound
to Reach both the height and depth
of Being human - of human Being.
oh music!
at once the cause and effect,
the why and the answer.
the reason for Singing:
to Sing perchance to Fly.
to Sing perchance to Fly;
i Soar on the wings of sound
to Reach both the height and depth
of Being human - of human Being.
oh music!
at once the cause and effect,
the why and the answer.
the reason for Singing:
to Sing perchance to Fly.
What a terrible and awesome responsibility it is to be alive - to live and continue living. We have so much power within us that can be used to ruin or build up the existence of all around us, including ourselves. This power is both outward - physical - and inward -emotional. How do we maintain the theoretical agreement with ourselves and one another that more comes from good than harm? Why do we maintain it? Why do some break it?
The many possible answers range from the biological to the spiritual and all of the subjects in-between, but the result is the same: we societally agree that we have a responsibility to honor this powerful, mysterious, and precious life that has been granted to us. It is both a frightening and marvelous thing to comprehend.
Death for a death is not justice. It is simply more harm for harm's sake. Justice is allowing the opportunity for humanity to bloom from the dark place of sin and guilt, to forgive and allow the growth of others in the light of that forgiveness.
What I can give is my time, my words, my heart, and all of the love it contains. Even then, I worry myself over whether that can be enough. Am I enough?